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The proposals are structured around five themes (listed below), and we are now consulting the community and asking for your comments on them. This will help us refine and finalise the proposals, to support future development and funding bids.

If you prefer to comment on specific projects proposed within the masterplan, visit the Comment on key projects page. Alternatively, you can pin your comments to our interactive map.

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Green space and landscaping

Mexborough’s urban environment is lacking green space and soft landscaping and one of the aims of the masterplan is to bring new green spaces and planting into the heart of the town centre. Our feedback from the community also suggests this is a priority. These will be achieved through a series of improvements, including the planting of new street trees and areas of wildflower for ecological benefits, sustainable drainage features such as swales and permeable paving and the potential for the creation of new public parks. These improvements will have the benefit of increasing the amount and quality of green space, enhancing biodiversity, help improve air quality, and provide an attractive environment to benefit residents, workers and visitors to the town centre, supporting the local economy.

For more information about our proposals for green space and landscaping, please visit our interactive map, select' Green space and landscaping' from the dropdown list in the top left corner of the screen, and then click on a green dot on the map to read about what is proposed at that location.

Overall, do you support the projects to improve the amount of public open space, greenery and wildlife in the town centre under the Green Space and Landscaping theme?

Overall, I:

Further comments:

Building-related improvements

The masterplan recognises Mexborough’s rich heritage evident in its townscape and its buildings and has identified proposals that can help both restore these for new uses or improve their setting via new public realm improvements with the aim of ensuring they endure and play their role in the town’s future regeneration.

Of particular interest is the cluster of buildings on Bank Street and Station Road, including the NatWest building, the Old Market Hall, Montagu Arms public house as well as Montagu Chambers which combined create an attractive grouping whose setting can be enhanced with new high quality public realm improvements.

For more information about our proposals for building-related improvements, please visit our interactive map, select 'Building-related improvements' from the dropdown list in the top left corner of the screen, and then click on a blue dot on the map to read about what is proposed at that location.

Overall, do you support the projects to improve the appearance of properties and re-use of historic buildings in the town centre under the Building-related Improvements theme?

Overall, I:

Further comments:

Development opportunities

A number of opportunities for new development have been identified that can add to the mix and vibrancy of the town making use of underutilised sites or plots released by other proposals contained within the masterplan. The sites are in a mix of private and public land and would be brought forward by individual owners or as part of a joint venture. Identification of the sites within the masterplan will help stimulate interest among owners, developers and prospective occupiers so as to bring the land forward for development.

For more information about development opportunities, please visit our interactive map, select 'Development opportunities' from the dropdown list in the top left corner of the screen, and then click on an orange dot on the map to find out about the development opportunity at that location.

Overall, do you support the projects to enable new homes, community facilities and commercial premises to be developed in the town centre under the Development Opportunities theme?

Overall, I:

Further comments:

Access and movement

Crucial to Mexborough’s revival is the ability for people to be able to access its services and facilities conveniently and equitably. This means for all modes of movement with a focus on the most sustainable modes to help deliver the Borough’s approach to Climate Change as well as supporting the shift away from the motor vehicle. Walking and cycling need to be better accommodated along with public transport improvements – coupled with maintaining vehicle access, parking and servicing to ensure the town’s businesses, shops, residents and visitors can continue to thrive.

The masterplan proposes a new road junction including a right turn from Greensway onto Bank Street at its eastern end. This will allow vehicles to turn right or left onto Bank Street from Greensway without having to go around the roundabout and improve vehicle access in and out of the town centre. A right turn from Bank Street to Greens Way would not be permitted but the left in and out movements between Greens Way and Bank Street would be retained similar to the existing junction.

For more information about our proposals for access and movement, please visit our interactive map, select 'Access and movement' from the dropdown list in the top left corner of the screen, and then click on a purple dot on the map to read about what is proposed at that location.

Overall, do you support the projects to improve access and movement into and around the town centre and station for all modes of transport under the Access and Movement theme?

Overall, I:

Further comments:

Streets and spaces

Part of the masterplan’s strategy is about improving the environment, safety and experience of the residents, businesses and visitors to Mexborough. Public realm improvements through the use of new hard landscaping, new street furniture and soft landscaping (including trees) can help regenerate and better connect the town centre but also provides an attractive setting for new development and investment.

For more information about our proposals for streets and spaces, please visit our interactive map, select 'Streets and spaces' from the dropdown list in the top left corner of the screen, and then click on a yellow dot on the map to read about what is proposed at that location.

Overall, do you support the projects to improve the quality, attractiveness and people-friendliness of the streets under the Streets and Spaces theme?

Overall, I:

Further comments:

The masterplan as a whole

For more information about the masterplan as a whole, please visit our interactive map, select 'Masterplan' from the dropdown list in the top left corner of the screen, and then click on a blue dot on the map to read the key masterplan feature that is proposed at that location.

Looking at the Mexborough Futures Vision, Masterplan and proposals as a whole, overall I:

Further comments:

About you

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