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The Mexborough masterplan can help create a place where people want to live, work, shop, visit and invest.

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We want to:

Illustrative icon

Make it easier for everyone to get into and move around the town centre on foot, by bike and public transport, as well as by car.

Illustrative icon

Encourage more visitors in the town centre by making it a more attractive place to spend time with new surface materials, street trees and planting and widening pavements in key areas.

Illustrative icon

Foster more activity by providing more options for town centre living, identifying sites and buildings for new uses or refurbished premises for employment, leisure and culture.

Proposed masterplan

Proposed masterplan - click to enlarge

Masterplan overview

Overview of the illustrative scheme

Overview of the illustrative scheme - click to enlarge

What is happening now?

The masterplan document will articulate the vision providing a clear plan which establishes priorities and principles for the town centre’s future change, growth and evolution. It will be used to help secure future funding and act as a guide to private sector investment. Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council is producing the masterplan supported by planners and urban designers at David Lock Associates, with support from Arup on transport and Highways. In addition we have been working with a wide range of partners including; Elected Mayor Ros Jones, Ward Councillors, South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive.

How can I have my say?

The public consultation ran from Friday 4th November to Monday 12th December 2022 (5 weeks). We are now reviewing the feedback received and considering how the Mexborough Futures proposals can respond, before being finalised.

This was the last round of public consultation on the Mexborough Futures masterplan, although detailed future proposals for projects identified will still be consulted upon as they are developed.

What is happening next?

Once we have analysed the feedback, we will revise the masterplan where necessary and then it will be used by DMBC as its plan for the town. It will be used to guide development over the coming years and will also be used to support applications for funding and investment decisions made by the Council and partners.

Organisation logos


Analysis & initial proposals


Public consultation on options and initial proposals

Early 2021

Engagement with ward councillors and officers


Revised design proposals

Early 2022

Supporting transport study

Mid 2022

Masterplan supporting Levelling Up Fund bid

July 2022

Public consultation on masterplan


Revision and changes in response to feedback

Late 2022