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The junction of Main Street, West Street and Swinton Road form the western gateway to the High Street and the pedestrianised area of the town centre.

Proposals for this important part of the town centre focus on improving the quality of pedestrian experience. This will be done through a number of measures including the prioritisation of pedestrians over vehicular traffic through the use of traffic calming measures. These could include raised tables; localised areas of road raised up to be level with the adjacent footway to provide step-free crossings, improved pedestrian crossings, narrowing of roads and widening of footways, and changes in carriageway materials.

New areas of planting will be created, including trees, which will increase the amount of tree canopy cover and areas of hedge and floral planting to create a greener environment. This additional planting will help mitigate the urban heat island effect, increase the capture of rainwater during storm events, provide biodiversity benefits and add aesthetic value.

The public realm enhancements will also include more opportunities for seating, through the integration of seating walls and other supporting street furniture elements.

An existing servicing layby will be reprovided, integrated into the public realm, to ensure essential day-to-day activities such as deliveries can continue.

How Main Street could look

How Main Street could look - click to enlarge

Plan of Main Street

Plan of Main Street - click to enlarge

5 responses

On Friday 4th Nov at 22:02, someone posted:
What do you think about the proposals for Main Street?

I approve

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On Sunday 6th Nov at 22:49, someone posted:
What do you think about the proposals for Main Street?

I strongly disapprove

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On Wednesday 9th Nov at 20:59, someone posted:
What do you think about the proposals for Main Street?

I strongly approve

Nobody liked this

On Friday 11th Nov at 19:26, someone posted:
What do you think about the proposals for Main Street?

I strongly approve

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On Thursday 1st Dec at 22:20, someone posted:
What do you think about the proposals for Main Street?

I strongly approve

Your comments on proposals for Main Street:

Crossing points need to have a low/same level as road, curb for pushchairs, prams etc.

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